
International Regions & Networks


Our History

The Zimbabwe Region, founded in 2012, is an active Region of IBS. In addition to this, they are a member of the Sub-Sahara African Network, or SUSAN, which is a network of national biometric groups of the Sub-Saharan Africa countries who promote the advancement of life sciences through development, application and dissemination of effective mathematical and statistical methods to its members and collaborating partners. This includes applications in agriculture, medical and health research, infectious diseases, environment and ecology, climate, and other applied sciences such as the areas of statistical genetics and bioinformatics.


Dr. Tonderai Mapako Team Leader
Dr. Rutendo Birri Makota Secretary (Membership Management)
Mr. Thomas Chikwanya Biometric Bulletin Correspondent

Contact Us

Email this region for membership or regional information. Alternatively, contact this email address.

To see this IBS Region's Representative Council members, please click here.