The Bylaws of the British and Irish Region (aka the "rules") were last updated in September 2022.
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International Biometric Society – British and Irish Region Rules
Rule 1. The Region shall endeavour to promote quantitative biology in all its aspects.
Rule 2. Membership of the Region is open to scientists resident in the British Isles, and to British and Irish scientists resident in other countries.
Rule 3. The business of the Region shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the Regional President, Vice-President (who shall be their immediate predecessor during their first year in office or their immediate successor during their second year in office), the Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, six Ordinary members and one Student member together with any Officers of the IBS and members of the Executive Board or Representative Council [or their successor(s)], who are members of the Region. Four shall form a quorum.
Rule 4. The Regional President shall be elected biennially, and on retirement at the end of a two year term shall not be eligible for immediate re-election. The Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election. Ordinary members of the Committee serve for three years and two ordinary members shall retire each year by seniority in order of election and shall not be eligible for re-election to ordinary membership of the Committee until a year has elapsed. The Student member of the Committee shall serve for two years and shall not be eligible for re-election to student membership of the Committee. They shall be eligible for election to ordinary membership of the committee. The Committee shall have power to fill casual vacancies in their number, subject to the approval of the next Annual Meeting. Any member so appointed to a casual vacancy shall hold office only for the unexpired term of their predecessor; but shall be eligible for immediate re-election.
Rule 5. For each year there shall be an Annual Meeting of the Region, held in the months of September, October, November or December of that year. There shall be such other meetings as the Committee may decide. At least ten days' notice shall be given of all meetings. Longer notice shall be given if another By-Law so requires.
Rule 6. At least six weeks' notice shall be given of the Annual Meeting.
Rule 7. Each year the Secretary invites the members of the Region to suggest names of persons to serve as Regional Officers and Committee Members, and shall allow at least three weeks for reply. The Regional Committee shall consider the names suggested and shall propose a list of nominees for appointment at the next Annual Meeting taking care that the various activities and interests of the membership are fairly represented. The list shall be circulated at least eight weeks before the Annual Meeting. Any two members of the Region may make additional nominations. To be valid, such nominations shall reach the Secretary at least six weeks before the date of the Annual Meeting and be accompanied by evidence that they have the consent of the person or persons nominated.
Rule 8. If the number of nominations in a category does not exceed the number of vacancies in that category, the person or persons named in the Committee's list shall be declared elected at the Annual Meeting. If the number of valid nominations in a category exceeds the number of vacancies in that category, the appointments concerned shall be decided by a ballot of all members of the Region. At least three weeks before the closing date of the ballot each member will be sent information on how to vote, together with information about the vacancies and those validly nominated to fill them. The ballot will close at noon on the day one week before the day of the Annual Meeting. Exceptionally, if evidence arises that a fair election has been prevented, the Regional Committee may require that the ballot be re-run.
Rule 9. A special Meeting shall be convened within eight weeks of the receipt by the Secretary of a request signed by not less than twelve members. A notice stating the purpose of the meeting shall be sent to each member not less than two weeks before it is to be held.
Rule 10. The Committee shall receive nominations of candidates for membership of the Region, and shall forward those deemed appropriate to the International Biometric Society.
Rule 11. A member may be expelled from the Region only on the proposal of the Committee and by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting at an Annual Meeting, after at least two weeks' notice has been given.
Rule 12. The subscription of each member, which becomes due on election to the Region and subsequently on 1st January each year, shall be decided each year by the Annual Meeting after consideration of a recommendation by the Committee. From the funds so constituted the contribution to the general funds of the Society shall be paid and secretarial expenses and other such costs as the proper conduct of the Society demands may be defrayed.
Rule 13. The membership of any member who is more than one year in arrears with their subscription may be terminated on a vote of the Committee. No application to rejoin the Society shall be entertained until the unpaid subscriptions have been discharged.
Rule 14. A statement of the Region's finances shall be presented to the Annual Meeting by the Treasurer, after the accounts have been audited by an Hon. Auditor appointed at the previous Annual Meeting for the purpose. The Hon. Auditor shall not be an Officer or Member of the Committee.
Rule 15. These rules may be amended as follows. If, at an Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting convened for the purpose, after six weeks' notice has been given, a set of amended rules is agreed by a simple majority of those voting at the meeting, then they will be put to the whole membership in a ballot of the form used for ballots in Rule 8. This ballot must be held within two weeks of the meeting, and must be concluded between four and six weeks from the date of the meeting. The amendments will be accepted if supported by at least two-thirds of the votes received.
Rule 16. Classes of membership of the Region, and the associated benefits of membership in each class, will be as determined from time to time by the Committee. The classes will be listed on the Region’s website and are available on request from the Honorary Secretary.
Rule 17. All past Regional Presidents become permanent Honorary Vice-Presidents.
Updated September 2022